the naughty gorilla

Posted by Peyton B in 100wc | 1 Comment


bricks running gorilla yellow pretty

a gorilla was running into a pretty yellow house with amber bricks. The gorilla did not like the colour yellow so he smashed down the pretty yellow house  so he didn’t have to see it. then he went back to the big zoo to his home and ate a yellow brick and cracked a tooth! then he wet to the dentist and the dentist ripped out the tooth! The gorilla went crazy and tried to put the yellow tooth back in his mouth but it did not work, so he ran back to the zoo and ate some yummy ,yellow bananas to calm him down. The gorilla smashed his house down and escaped from the wonderful zoo and ran around. he smashed down a house that had just been made and ran into the woods and tried to ask a person to write down the things he liked they were :bananas,other gorillas,dogs ,food ,drinks,cats,mice,rabbits,guinea pigs ,pigs,chickens and eggs and that was it he hated the dentist. he planned of going to the zoo to have more bananas and see his mum,dad,sisters,brothers,uncle,granddad,grandma,auntie,cousins,baby brother,and sister.

One response to “the naughty gorilla”

  1. Mrs Addleton says:

    How wonderful to have you back blogging Peyton. I loved the way you incorporated the words into your story and particularly enjoyed the image of the gorilla trying to put his tooth back in. You’ve used a fantastic range of punctuation and I was so impressed to see a colon introducing that long list.
    3 house points
    Mrs Addleton

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