The day the Nyx stroke back (part one?)

Posted by Izzy P in 100wc, Learning | Leave a comment

A few months after the Nyx had been defeated, everything seemed back to normal, until Anna found a strange letter on her shelf the next morning. She quickly examined the old, yellowing piece of paper, then noticed a hoof print on the back of the page. “Nyx…” she thought to herself. “ I’d almost forgotten about you…” Anna rushed out the front door with Kristoff and Sven, and about 20 minutes later, arrived at the enchanted forest. “Elsa!” She screamed. “I-I think that the Nyx is back again!” Elsa rushed up. “How can you be sure?” She asked. “ it’s not like you have proof or anything.” “Yes I do have proof…” Anna said, pulling out the yellowish piece of paper from her pocket. Elsa got so shocked that she started to hyperventilate and almost fainted, but Anna caught her just in time. “Wow, Elsa.” Anna teased. “I would of brought a fan if i had known that you somehow almost fainted!” Elsa gave Anna the stink eye and told her, ” Seriously, this isn’t time for jokes, Anna.” Anna gave a nod, then Elsa went to get the Noltholdra tribe and told them what was going on. “She Almost fainted when i told her…” Anna told them. Elsa gave Anna a swift jab on the arm with her elbow to keep her quiet. “Ow!” Anna mumbled under her breath. “Yes, I knew this.” Elsa told them. “there was another piece of writing in Ahtohallan, well it was there the last time i went there.” THEN WHY WERE YOU SO STARTLED THAT YOU ALMOST FAINTED?!?!?” Anna screeched. “You see, it said that it would come back, but it didn’t say when.” Groaned Elsa. “Really, Anna?” “Sorry, Sister…” Anna said apologetically. “It’s fine.” Elsa said. “Follow me, and I’ll explain it all when we get there.” Elsa explained it, but only Anna understood, so Yelana and Honey-Maren just nodded enthusiastically until it was over, then they both said… “We don’t understand anything you just said, Elsa!” “What Elsa’s trying to say is that the Nyx has a secret Machine on an unknown piece of land which restores all it’s health when it gets defeated.” Anna explained. “Oh, now I get it!” Said Honey-Maren. “So the Nyx is basically invincible-Well it can be defeated if it’s whateveryoucallit gets defeated first- so it’ll be really hard to, but I think there’s someone who may be able to…” They all stare at Elsa for what seemed like the 1,000,000th time that day, then she said… “Umm.. what? *Gasp!* No. I can’t do it!”  “There’s NO WAY i’ll be able to defeat the strongest half animal/human in the whole fjord, so don’t try to make me!” “Um, excuse me, You’ve defeated the Nyx before, so you can now.” Anna reassured her. Elsa said that she was going to do it, So she called on the Nokk. “Let’s do this, Nokk!” She Told her trustworthy sidekick. “And don’t worry, Anna, I’ll be just fine.” Elsa gave Anna a weak smile, then galloped off into the horizon, in hope to defeat this monster for good. The Nokk gave a small neigh, so Elsa stroked it’s neck and told it, “You’re going to be fine, we’ve done this before.” Many times.. she thought to herself. Back at the castle…. “Anna, don’t be worried about Elsa, she’ll be fine. Claire reassured her. “Yeah. you’re right.”    “She”ll be just fine.” Back on the seas, Elsa was galloping across the fjords’ water, and then she saw it… Yep. I’m leaving you hanging. But if your the type of person who gets freaked out by cliffhangers, Extremely long stories and that type of stuff, you probably shouldn’t read the next part (if i DO make another part, that is)…

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