The day the Noltholdran struck back

Posted by Izzy P in 100wc | Tagged | 1 Comment

“The Noltholdran that doesn’t like me…” Elsa thought, shaking madly. She’d have to tell Anna now, wouldn’t she? It wouldn’t hurt to, but what if Anna goes all weird like she always does when she feels sorry for me? She walked out of her room? “Anna, can you come with me? I need to tell you something, if that’s ok with you.” Lamented Elsa. So Anna did. “What? Archlikel the Noltholdran is gonna strike back? We have got to do something about this, and fast! Shrieked Anna, rushing to the door. “Anna, wait!!” Snapped Elsa. “Wow sister, calm down!” Commanded Anna. “C-can we just go in the morning? Please?” Elsa spluttered. Anna agreed that they should go in the morning so they could make a plan, tell Kristoff where they were going and say when they’d be back. He didn’t seem to mind, though. He has Sven for company, Apparently. In the morning, they were gonna find this Noltholdran and give him Payback. Big payback. The next morning, they set off. “Promise me we do this together.” Anna maintained. “I promise. No sending you off in a boat this time, sis.” Elsa soothed promisingly. They walked in and everyone but Archlikel came to greet her. “Don’t greet her. She’s not even the right queen for this place, so don’t treat her like one.” Archlikel said in an argumentative way. “Excuse me, Archlikel. She IS the queen of this Enchanted forest so we will treat her like one, thank you very much.” Yelana argued. “Excuse me, no fighting, even if Yelana is right.” The argument continued. “Honey-Maren, Am I speaking Japanese? Because if I am, I would understand why they aren’t listening to me!” Elsa shouted deliberately. Honey-Maren gave her the look like she understood what Elsa was doing. “No, you are not speaking Japanese so their probably ignoring the Queen of the forest!” Honey-Maren shouted, playing along. Archlikel and Yelana stopped and looked Elsa. “Ah. I didn’t like speaking to myself any ways.” Elsa joked in a non-playful way. “Archlikel, I’m gonna give you Big payback for what you did to me.” Elsa said, giving Archlikel the Evil eye. Archlikel gulped. “W-what payback, Elsa? Archlikel stammered. “You need to clean out the tents and make the food for five weeks, and I’ll I’ll know if you start slacking off!” Elsa said. There was a slight whimper from the distance. “Ok calm down Bruni, I’m coming. Just be patient. She went over to Bruni. “Their all looking at us, aren’t they. Got any advice? Nothing? Should I know what that means?” Elsa giggled. “Umm Elsa? Should we get going? Oh I remember. You stay here now. Bye sis!” Anna said sadly. A few weeks later, Elsa got a letter from Anna. “Charades Friday night 5pm. Don’t be late. And  don’t worry, Arendelle’s doing just fine. Keep looking after the forest. I love you.” Elsa read. “Love you too, sis.” Elsa  said, starting to cry. “Gale, we’re going for a ride. Wanna come?” Elsa said, gently greeting the Nokk. When she got to charades at the castle, it wasn’t as embarrassing as last time she played it. “umm… Oh I know! Pillow fort!” Anna guessed. Ok, maybe it was even more embarrassing than last time she played it.

The end!


One response to “The day the Noltholdran struck back”

  1. Mrs Addleton says:

    Fantastic vocabulary in this Izzy. You’ve also incorporated lots of punctuation. Both these elements make it easy to read and allows the reader to get a clear picture in their head of what’s going on and how the characters are feeling. Personal preference, but I think I would prefer to see ‘going to’ rather than ‘gonna’.
    3 house points
    Mrs Addleton

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