…”Which way is the shops” it panted…

Posted by Poppie in 100wc, Learning | Tagged | 1 Comment

There was once a dog called Max, he was the Grinch’s dog but he could be mischievous when he wants to. I think you didn’t know this, but Max could secretly talk and he never revealed his secret to the Grinch. The Grinch hollowed from his room to the kitchen saying ” MAX GET HERE RIGHT NOW!!!!!! ” Max barked pretending to sound like ‘yes’  ” Can you go to the shops BUT you better be fast so run as fast as you can okay.”  Max tried to run as fast as he can, but he just stopped for a break. He saw a person walking past him max was going to talk to him. His gut told him to talk to the person and his mind saying don’t talk to the person. He went with his gut and talked to the person ”…Where are the shops…?” he panted. the person was so baffled that she just pointed to where the shop was because she was that speechless. The woman had never seen a plain old dog talk.

So this was a mix of christmas and now. I Know it’s a bit late to post this but atleast I posted it. Byeee.

One response to “…”Which way is the shops” it panted…”

  1. Mrs Addleton says:

    My goodness Poppie, did you eat a dictionary at Christmas? I was so impressed with some of your vocabulary, for example hollered and baffled. I enjoyed this story, it was fun to read and had a nice snappy pace to it. I wonder what that cheeky dog was going to buy?
    3 house points
    Mrs Addleton

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