Stick Man

Posted by Harley C in 100wc | 5 Comments

The stick was walking with his family when a gust of wind blew him over.  He was lying in the mud when a dad picked him up and made him fly.  He flew for ages and he tried to cross the sea to get to a tropical island but as he came into land a shark nearly ate him. He found a very small tree to live in  and found lots of stick people in the other trees.  They all tried to make a helicopter to help the stick get back to his family but it didn’t work so they made a speed boat and it worked.  When he got home the stick, his family and all his new friends lived in a ginormous tree all together.

5 responses to “Stick Man”

  1. Katelin says:

    hey harely your blog is very good but mine is still better then you by katelin jk

  2. alesha says:

    well done Harley your story is amazing

  3. Mrs Dibben says:

    And congratulations on publishing your very first blog.

  4. Mrs Dibben says:

    What a delightful tale. I am so pleased he managed to survive and found a great set of new friends along the way.
    I am very much looking forward to reading your future blogs.

  5. Mrs Addleton says:

    Harley, what an achievement to publish your first blog – well done. You cleverly used your own ideas to make this stick man story unique. I’m glad the stick got back to his family & I hope the new community of stick people live in harmony together.
    2 house points
    Mrs Addleton

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