Naughty monkey

Posted by Katelin in 100wc | 3 Comments


The monkey was sitting in his nan’s kitchen playing a computer game called ‘the call of duty’.  The computer froze just before he was about to shoot someone. He shouted “Nooooo what has happened?”  He got angry at the computer.  He swirled the computer off the table. It smashed everywhere.  He started crying because it was his Nan’s favourite computer.

After a while the naughty monkey had to go to his room and he kicked of because he had never been to his room or on time out before.

soon he came down stairs and brought a new computer.


3 responses to “Naughty monkey”

  1. Mrs Dibben says:

    Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging Katelyn,

    This is a great first blog, well thought out and punctuated.
    I am pleased the monkey calmed down and bought a new computer for his Nan.
    I look forward to reading your next blog.

  2. Katelin says:

    hi I like your
    blog but mine is better

  3. Mrs Addleton says:

    WOW kateline, you’ve published your first ever blog, WELL DONE. I really enjoyed your blog which was so easy to read because of your brilliant punctuation. Have you experienced computer rage when your screen freezes at a critical moment in a game? Even though he got angry, I could tell that this monkey is nice at heart because he got upset that he broke his Nan’s computer. I hope he is going to share the new one with her.
    I can’t wait to read more of your blogs next year.
    3 house points
    Mrs Addleton

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