Mr Mack’s library (part 2)

Posted by Atlanta S in 100wc | 4 Comments

“Sooo…… what do we have to do,????”said Abby. “UGH….what we have to do is find a key to that smash/ bullet proof glass box that will give us a ticket have a meeting with Mr Mack and we might just might get the job application !”Atlanta  quickly explained .” WAIT… who are they !”Abby shouted nervously .

“Hello again children . One thing. You have other people competing with you.” said a hologram of Mr Mack.

So they began ,excited  to find the key. suddenly they found a mysterious looking shape that looked liked it would fit in the padlock that was on the bullet proof glass box . But what they didn’t know was there was fake keys around the room…….

4 responses to “Mr Mack’s library (part 2)”

  1. Mrs Dibben says:

    Wow, Abby, this is some job interview. I am a little less worried about these girls fate know it appears it is a test, your first post was very scary.
    I look forward to the next instalment.

  2. Mrs Addleton says:

    Hello Atlanta, this is certainly turning into a saga for these two girls! This must be the job of a lifetime to go through all this effort just to get an application. Mr Mack sounds very unnerving, appearing without warning as a hologram; I’m not sure I would like him as my boss.
    Hope they find the key.
    2 house points
    Mrs Addleton

  3. Grace S says:

    amazing and really deteild

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