Author Archives: Izzy P

The Noltholdra surprise…

Posted by Izzy P in 100wc, Learning | Tagged | 1 Comment

“”This Is good, but bad at the same time.” Elsa thought to herself. “A Sleepover with Anna for 2 days, but I don’t really want a birthday party, The Noltholdrans and the spirits are all I need.” Honey-Maren saw Elsa looking a little worried and she was wearing her Mother’s scarf(she wore the scarf when she was worried about something) so slowly walked over to her. “Hey, Elsa, what’s up?” Honey-Maren said. “Oh, nothing.” Elsa told her.”Just thinking about stuff.” Honey-Maren didn’t seem convinced so said, “What stuff?” With a hint of worry in her voice. “Ok, if I tell you this, do you promise not to tell anyone?” Elsa whispered. “Sure.” Honey-Maren soothed. “So, you know the my birthday party, right?” I don’t actual-” Elsa started, being interrupted by Yelana. “Right, everyone.” She announced. “Elsa. You can go back.”she said kindly. “It’s Elsa’s birthday in two days, so we need to set up while she’s gone for her 2 day sleepover with Anna. Got that, everyone? Especially you, Archlikel.” “Sure.” Said Archlikel kindly. “Everyone, I’m going to Arendelle now. Be good, and I’m taking the spirits with me.”She announced, flicking her hair. Archlikel blushed uncontrollably. Elsa was ninety nine percent sure Archlikel liked her, but not completely. When Elsa left, Honey-Maren asked Archlikel, “Do you like Elsa?” “No. Well, yes, but not in the way you’re thinking of.” Archlikel replied. When Elsa got to the castle, Anna was staring out the window. When she finally got there, the maid let Elsa in and Anna ran to the door. Even though she wasn’t their queen, the guards greeted Elsa with great awe. “Elsa!” She cried in delight. “I’m so happy you could make it!” They ran up to the castle bedroom, where two beds stood on the pink carpet. There were dawn-tinted pink walls, and purple shutters over the window. Elsa laid her sky blue bag on her bed. Her bed had a wooden bed frame with 2 purple pillows, a patterned purple duvet and a violet bedspread, all laid neatly on a spring cloud white bed sheet. “Elsa, what’s up?” Anna asked. “You seem like you don’t remember this place!” Elsa stayed quiet, until Anna looked at her weirdly. “Ok. You know how It’s my b-birthday in 2 days?” Elsa stammered.

“Yeah?” Anna replied.  “I don’t want a birthday party.” Elsa said, realising Anna looked shocked. “You don’t  want a birthday party?” Anna said soothingly. “That’s fine, if you don’t want one.” The sisters rushed downstairs because dinner was being served. They stayed downstairs for a while and then They ran upstairs with food to eat when everyone was asleep. A few hours later, there came a knock at the door. “Elsa, I think it’s for you.” The maid shouted. “Be back in a minute, Anna.” Elsa said, hugging her sister. She rushed downstairs. “One parcel for… Princess  Elsa Oldenburg.” Joey, the delivery person said, blushing and handing it over. “Umm… Want my number?” She said, blushing a little. “Sure.” Joey giggled, transferring his number to Elsa’s phone. Elsa rushed upstairs. She sat on her bed, ripping open the parcel. Anna looked over her shoulder. “It’s here!” Elsa exclaimed. “What’s here? Anna questioned. “Only my book of spells for experts!” Elsa blurted out. She opened the book. The first spell was just a few finger movements, crossing one leg over the other and chanting the rhyme, OVER THE LEG! GIVE ME AN EGG! And she found she could make them come singly or in a shower, and you could make them disappear with a snap of your fingers and saying the rhyme backwards. !gge na em evig! gel eht revo. A few minutes later, she put the book in her bag and lay on her bed. It felt softer than usual. The pillow felt like a cloud and the cold sheets lay beneath her sore, scratched legs. “Wow, sis! What happened to your legs?” Anna said. “Forest pathway was blocked so I had to go through the forest of Nyx.” Elsa said, rubbing her sore legs.”That must of hurt.” Anna said. “I know.” Elsa said, changing the subject, The smile on her face fading away.”I tried to tell the Noltholdrans I didn’t want a birthday party, but they didn’t listen. “You’re their Queen! they should listen to you.” Anna shouted, going out to answer her phone call, who was apparently Kristoff, who was stuck on a cliff with Sven the reindeer. “Elsa, we need to go now!” Anna said. “Kristoff and Sven are stuck on the edge of the 14,524,563,234,100,234,129,000 metre high cliff!” Elsa and Anna returned with a new person in Arendelle. Elsa and Anna had a chat with the new Arendellian. “Bye!” Anna and Elsa said. “Shall we start our sleepover now Kristoff and Sven are off that cliff?” Elsa agreed that they should start it, so they went downstairs, said goodnight to the maids and cooks, went back upstairs and started the sleepover.

“What do you want to do?” Anna asked. “Not sure…” Elsa replied. “Shall we get Olaf and see what he wants to do?” Anna asked. Elsa said that they should, so they did. Olaf thought that they should play charades, so they did. “So, now what shall we do?” Elsa asked. “Ooh!” Anna said. “Do you want to build a snowman?” Anna asked. “Anna, I think we are a little bit old to build Olaf a buddy…” Elsa answered, “Do you know what might happen if we do….” “Yeah, we’d rather not do it, now I think about it all the way through.” Anna said, sitting down on her bed. “Want to start gossiping now, Elsa? Elsa agreed, so they started to. “I think that Archlikel likes me.” Elsa said, “I’m ninety nine percent sure he does.” “Wow, not being offensive or anything, but you too don’t make a good couple, and as I said, no offence, and I mean it.” Anna blurted out for the whole world to hear. “Anna quiet down!” Elsa snapped. “We don’t want everyone to hear us gossiping, do they?” “N-No, Elsa.” Anna stammered. “Oh, what did I do?” Elsa soothed. “I’m so sorry, Anna…” “Apology accepted.” Anna said. “Ok, let’s continue gossiping.” Approximately six or seven hours later, the sound of heavy breathing filled the room, blocking out the sound of the whirring from the light. “Aww.” Claire, the maid said, silently turning out the light and walking out, closing the door behind her. Elsa awoke, realising how long she had been asleep for. “Anna, are you awake?” Elsa whispered. “Yes.” Anna quietly replied. “Sorry to wake you…” “No, you didn’t wake me, so there’s nothing to be ashamed of.” Elsa soothed. “I’m here until tomorrow, so we can do whatever you want to do.”

“Elsa, you’re our guest, so you get to decide what we do.” Anna said. “Anna,do you want to-” Elsa said, being interrupted by Anna. “Yeah, I want to build a snowman!” “Anna, I was going to ask if you want to go for a walk, and can you stop with the ‘building a girlfriend for Olaf thing?’ Elsa said. “Sure.” Anna said, “And I’m sorry…” A smile spread across Anna’s face. “So…” Anna giggled. “Do you love that J-” “No, before you ask.” Elsa interrupted. “Okay?” Anna said, not convinced she was telling the truth. The next morning, Claire came in, seeing Elsa packing her bag. “Leaving so soon?” Claire asked. “No, I’m just packing it now, so I can have more time with Anna.” Elsa answered. “Sure.” Claire said. “I guess you miss Anna from time to time, don’t you?” “Yeah…” Elsa answered again. “But the castle was not where i was meant to be, but the forest is.” Claire gave a nod and left the room, holding the door open for Anna. “So, Elsa what time are you leaving?Anna asked. Because i don’t want you to go back and happy birthday!” “Probably about 12:00 Am, Anna, i know you don’t want me to go, but this has to end someday, and thanks.” Elsa replied. A few hours later, Elsa was at the door with Anna. “I don’t want this to end, but as you said, this has to…” Anna sniffed, then burst into tears. “Hey, Anna, don’t cry.” Elsa soothed, shedding a tear. “I will be back soon, I promise.” “O-Okay.” Anna stammered. Elsa left the castle with Anna because she was so upset, but really it was that she didn’t want to leave her sister either. “here we are, then.” Elsa said. “HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ELSA! all The Noltholdra shouted. “Thanks, I guess?” Elsa said strangely. “What do you mean, you guess?” Yelana said, strolling casually up to her. “Well, I didn’t actually want a birthday party…” Elsa finally told her. “Well, why didn’t you say?” Yelena said. “I Tried to, but you just didn’t listen!” Elsa cried, rushing to her tent. “You never listen and probably never  will!” “Wait!” Archlikel cried, Her eyes meeting his. “Elsa, look at me, we’d never do anything like that to you, okay?” “O-Okay.” Elsa stammered, wiping tears from her eyes and walking out. “I’m sorry, Elsa, i got so into this ‘Fifth Nature spirit’s birthday thing,’ i didn’t think about you…” Yelena apologised. “I accept your apology, but please don’t do that again, okay?” Elsa said. They all gave an Apologetic nod, Anna went home Happily, And the rest day was filled with things they all liked.






Elsa’s Journal

Posted by Izzy P in 100wc, Learning | Tagged | 1 Comment

(Entry one)

I just had the best birthday ever and I don’t have to go back to the castle. The castle. Well, it was a nice place to be, but this forest is where I belong.

-A happy Elsa

(Entry two)

I just ran back to the castle in a strop because Olaf said to all the the people in the Arendellian shops, “it’s Sunday and your not supposed to be open on Sunday.”  I guess I have to stop writing now, Anna’s calling me.

-A mad Elsa

(Entry three)

I AM SO HAPPY because I just killed the Nyx, dark spirit that haunts people’s dreams. Not anymore, it won’t!

-A proud Elsa

(Entry four)

I just gave Archlikel big payback. Why? I hear you ask. Well… It all started when I became the Queen of the enchanted forest. Archlikel thought I wasn’t good enough for the forest. So then he tried to get me out, so I gave him payback.


(Entry five)

I know it’s very late, but I can’t sleep. Maybe it’s this tent. No probably not. Maybe it’s that I miss Anna. Yeah, that’s probably it. I’ll try and get some sleep now.


(Entry six)

Honey-Maren just told me that there might be a sixth spirit, but I doubt it.



The day the Noltholdran struck back

Posted by Izzy P in 100wc | Tagged | 1 Comment

“The Noltholdran that doesn’t like me…” Elsa thought, shaking madly. She’d have to tell Anna now, wouldn’t she? It wouldn’t hurt to, but what if Anna goes all weird like she always does when she feels sorry for me? She walked out of her room? “Anna, can you come with me? I need to tell you something, if that’s ok with you.” Lamented Elsa. So Anna did. “What? Archlikel the Noltholdran is gonna strike back? We have got to do something about this, and fast! Shrieked Anna, rushing to the door. “Anna, wait!!” Snapped Elsa. “Wow sister, calm down!” Commanded Anna. “C-can we just go in the morning? Please?” Elsa spluttered. Anna agreed that they should go in the morning so they could make a plan, tell Kristoff where they were going and say when they’d be back. He didn’t seem to mind, though. He has Sven for company, Apparently. In the morning, they were gonna find this Noltholdran and give him Payback. Big payback. The next morning, they set off. “Promise me we do this together.” Anna maintained. “I promise. No sending you off in a boat this time, sis.” Elsa soothed promisingly. They walked in and everyone but Archlikel came to greet her. “Don’t greet her. She’s not even the right queen for this place, so don’t treat her like one.” Archlikel said in an argumentative way. “Excuse me, Archlikel. She IS the queen of this Enchanted forest so we will treat her like one, thank you very much.” Yelana argued. “Excuse me, no fighting, even if Yelana is right.” The argument continued. “Honey-Maren, Am I speaking Japanese? Because if I am, I would understand why they aren’t listening to me!” Elsa shouted deliberately. Honey-Maren gave her the look like she understood what Elsa was doing. “No, you are not speaking Japanese so their probably ignoring the Queen of the forest!” Honey-Maren shouted, playing along. Archlikel and Yelana stopped and looked Elsa. “Ah. I didn’t like speaking to myself any ways.” Elsa joked in a non-playful way. “Archlikel, I’m gonna give you Big payback for what you did to me.” Elsa said, giving Archlikel the Evil eye. Archlikel gulped. “W-what payback, Elsa? Archlikel stammered. “You need to clean out the tents and make the food for five weeks, and I’ll I’ll know if you start slacking off!” Elsa said. There was a slight whimper from the distance. “Ok calm down Bruni, I’m coming. Just be patient. She went over to Bruni. “Their all looking at us, aren’t they. Got any advice? Nothing? Should I know what that means?” Elsa giggled. “Umm Elsa? Should we get going? Oh I remember. You stay here now. Bye sis!” Anna said sadly. A few weeks later, Elsa got a letter from Anna. “Charades Friday night 5pm. Don’t be late. And  don’t worry, Arendelle’s doing just fine. Keep looking after the forest. I love you.” Elsa read. “Love you too, sis.” Elsa  said, starting to cry. “Gale, we’re going for a ride. Wanna come?” Elsa said, gently greeting the Nokk. When she got to charades at the castle, it wasn’t as embarrassing as last time she played it. “umm… Oh I know! Pillow fort!” Anna guessed. Ok, maybe it was even more embarrassing than last time she played it.

The end!


The Dark Spirit Nyx

Posted by Izzy P in 100wc, Learning | Tagged | 1 Comment

Elsa ran to her room, Slamming the door behind her. “Elsa, what’s up?” Anna asked. “The dark spirit Nyx.. I Think she’s back to haunt Arendelle again!” Elsa said, trying not to sound to worried. The Nyx is a very dangerous spirit that haunts people’s dreams, Especially Arendelle. Anna ran and got the letter from the Arendellian shipwreck from her bedroom drawer. ” This is Noltholdran language, right? Mabye we could go to the forest and ask Yelena to decode it for us! It may have something to do with the Nyx, as well!” Anna exclaimed. “Yep. this letter is Noltholdran language. it says…” kill the Nyx once and it comes back. Kill the nyx twice and it comes back. Kill it three times and it’s gone for a year. Kill it four times and it’s dead for good. After the month it rises out of it’s grave… Kill the Nyx five times and it attacks back strong. So be careful of how many times you kill this Nyx. Especially you, fifth spirit. Your ice powers may be to weak. Or they may be strong enough. But I dont expect they are.Don’t say I didn’t warn you…” Yelana read. It was strange. The letter knew about Elsa! “W-What The N-Nyx knows about me? ” Elsa stammered. The next day Elsa went out and got the spirits and went off to find the Nyx. She took a deep breath and gave Anna a hug. “See you in a few hours,sis.” She said, trying not to cry. Elsa shed a tear. “This is going to be fine, Elsa. There’s no reason to cry. It’s only for a few hours and you have the spirits to protect you.” Anna said in a supportive tone.The Nokk gave a disaproving Neigh. “Well, here goes nothing! This is for you, Arendelle.”Elsa said worriedly. “Well, look who’s come back to try and beat me. No one has ever killed me, well at least you, for good. So you may as well go home and do your babyish Queen jobs.”The Nyx said bravely. After five hours, the Nyx was finally dead and Elsa had promised the spirits a trip to the Arendellian ice cream shop on the weekend. “Elsa, Is he dead for good now?”Anna exclaimed, excitedly hugging her sister. “Yep. For good. No more dark spirit in our lives again. Only if there’s another one out there, which there isn’t.”Elsa Exclaimed. Honey-Maren and Yelana ran into the room. “We kind of overheard your conversation, And we are so proud of you. Wanna go Shopping on Sunday?” Honey-Maren asked. “Sure. I’m taking Bruni, Nokk, The Earth Giants and Gale to the Arendellian ice cream shop on Saturday, then. I promised them I’d do it as a reward for all their hard work they did to help me kill Nyx. He’s gone for good, never to be seen again, I hope.”Elsa said. They went to the ice cream shop and guess what happened! Everyone was staring at Elsa,whispering to each other and giving Elsa weird looks. Elsa just ignored them, as a Noltholdran would. Finally, somebody came over and asked what she was doing. “I am really sorry if i’m disturbing you. I’m Elsa, The  Fifth spirit from the Enchanted Forest of the Noltholdrans, if you must know.” Elsa said, Realising a wave of confusion washing over the Arendellians. “Ok?” She said, walking away. “Lets go home now, spirits.” “To the forest.” Elsa reassured them. She rode Nokk back to the forest and there was a ‘party’ for Elsa because she killed the Nyx and it wasn’t in their lives again, never to be seen again. Well, at least not until she comes back again…

The End?


The Day after Her Birthday(guess who…)

Posted by Izzy P in 100wc, Learning | Tagged | 1 Comment


The day after her birthday she decided to go On a walk around Arendelle and Although it was Saturday, all the shops were closed!! She went to the forest to see The Noltholdrans and the spirits and ask them. they didn’t know so went to Olaf and he said that it’s Sunday so he went and said to all the people in Arendelle that it was Sunday so the closed the shops.Elsa got SOOO mad!! she ran off in a strop and then Anna ran after her. She ran to go and talk to the maid about Elsa and she said that she didn’t want to see anyone, not even you. So you can try, but I doubt that it’ll work. She went to the bedroom and knocked on the door. She said, “Elsa, it’s me, Anna. Can I come in?” “I guess…” Elsa said sadly. Apparently Elsa got really mad, lost her temper and couldn’t control herself. Anna sugessted that she lets the maid in. She agreed but then Anna realised that Elsa was wearing her mothers blanket. Their parents ship had gone down on the southern seas seven years ago. Anna asked why she had the blanket on and she said that she was just cold but Anna didn’t believe her. Elsa had a conversation with the maid and talked about why she got angry. The maid said she understood. When she got to Olaf he apologised and Elsa forgave him so the all had a game of charades. She went to the cave of Ahtohallan and the spirits said that they also understood why the ice spirit (Elsa) got mad.

The end!















Elsa’s birthday

Posted by Izzy P in 100wc, Learning | Tagged | 2 Comments

One day in Arendelle, A beautiful princess named Elsa was just about to go to bed when Anna, The queen of Arendelle, came sashaying in to her room. “Elsa,who’s birthday is it tomorrow?” “Mine…” And Anna was like, “Elsa, how on earth are you not excited for you birthday tomorrow? There will be presents-” Elsa interupted her by saying…”Anna, I need a lie down. Goodnight. Anna would not go out so Elsa let her sleep with her. The next Morning, Elsa woke up at 8:00,she usually wakes up at half six so she had a 1 hour and a half lie in! “Elsa, happy birthday…” “(Sleepily) too you…” “No silly it’s not my birthday!” “To meee!” Elsa got on up and went to the living room. She was very shocked because her biggest present was that she could visit the mythical forest and see her bestie, Honey-Spirit and keep the wind,Earth,fire and water spirits calm. The reason she could do this is because she is the fifth spirit, the ice spirit. She was born with mystical ice powers that nobody knew about. Then she took a weeks long trip to the forest and realised what her fathers message about the wall of mist blocking the forest was right, but she went to Atahallen, the sea that can predict the future, and found Nokk, the water spirit and rode to Arendelle, realising there was a giant wave coming to destroy Arendelle from the dam, the bridge that her father built with his team for the people of the forest. She used her powers to build a giant shield and saved Arendelle! The he reason she went to the forest(not on her birthday)Because she had been hearing Queen Idunas voice!( she was her mother) She had a good time, went home, opened her presents, had lunch,played with Gail,the gust of wind is Gail,Anna and Olaf. Then she finally had dinner then went to bed again. Elsa had a really good day!

The end!





The bike that was not anywhere near being careful

Posted by Izzy P in 100wc | Tagged | 3 Comments

One day,a bike Came alive!(yes it really did come alive but it just hid all the time so nobody knew that it was alive) But it kind of got realised by somebody! A boy came for a walk with his dog but lost the lead for the dog so he ran of to catch the dog but the bike got startled and ran away! The bike owner had left the bike alone for many years so it grew  invisible eyes that seemed invisible at first but then he realised that they could see his eyes. The only way his eyes would become invisible is by him closing them, so he always did. He got startled so badly that he tipped over on his side!

The end!!

Everything was the wrong colour when Pat passed away! (PopularMMOs and GamingWithJen)

Posted by Izzy P in 100wc, Learning | Leave a comment

Hey Guys it’s Jen! So One day pat and Jen went to get a bit Of their blood taken. First it was Jens turn. The doctor said that She was the best patient but something bad happened… AHHHH! The doctor screamed. Jen has passed away! Pat ran into the room With a bottle of water. Jen! Jen? Pat screamed!”JEN? JEN! Wake up JEN!” Pat screamed. “Pat? Is that you or are you an imposter or what?” Jen cried. I AM PAT. I am your beloved Husband Pat okay? I am so sorry Pat. Next, it was pats turn. Pat wasn’t even looking at the blood this time! It’s the wrong colour! pat screamed! Then He Went again!

Pat And Jen are my favourite Youtubers So  Loads of Hearts to them And this if a story from one Of their vids so Bye Guys! Peace out dudes!

She Said she was a MUSICIAN !

Posted by Izzy P in 100wc | Leave a comment

One day, a girl called Brianna Said She was a musician! But really, when she made me listen to one of her Horrible Concerts, She LIED about Her being a musician! She was, Ok Admitting it!  She Was A BIG, FAT, LIAR!! Every thing was so annoying in HER LIFE Everything was  so angry  at Brianna! Everything was so Bad!! she was very sad and she was a kind girl and she is very cute! She goes to this Ballet Class which is very Boring! she is so annoyed and sad that her head was in a spin! she was so amazed! IT WAS SO OUT OF TUNE!

Dork Diaries Dear Dork

Posted by Izzy P in 100wc, Learning | 1 Comment

A Journalism intern. Mr Zimmerman, our adviser, was wearing a pink sweater. He requested that I have all the people at the front blow about 76 bubbles in an hour, so lets do that right now.”

Makenzie huffed and rolled he eyes at the prospect of having to give up her seat to a newbie. “REALLY?” It is not like your having to put up matching curtains or something, is it? I strolled to my chemistry class when I saw a person with an empty bicycle. Then I raced down the hall  to check the striped box right outside the Cafeteria. There Was a Letter in there, too!