…And what exactly is that noise?!

Posted by Izzy P in Learning | Leave a comment

My heart was pounding, my blood pressure rising rapidly by every second. The steps I took were hard to take, and my eyes were watery as I treaded across this unknown land.

“Pika?” My head turned sharply at this noise… But I didn’t manage to hear anything- my heart pounded ever faster.

“Pikachuuu?” My breathing quickened- What WAS that noise?! I almost screamed at the small, mouse-like thing that appeared in front of me. It had many attributes of the mice we had back in Hisui, but these were a lot bigger and since i had never stepped out of the village until now, these scared me to the bone.

I suddenly came to realisation: this was a Pikachu! Although I had never seen one before, I knew what it was when it looked me in the eyes. A feeling of excitement washed over me- I had never seen a Pokèmon like this before!

“Aww, hello. I see you’ve found my Pikachu. Now move. ” A wave of terror washed over me as this bitter-sweet tone filled my ears from someone I did not recall. That tone filled me again, “Or are you disapproving almighty Sinnoh? Surely such a monster would do such things to be so cruel to the Giver Of the Land. Hm?”

A small pang of annoyance filled me and I found the courage to speak. “Almighty Sinnoh is at the top of my heart. And I am sure It would not be very happy with You for being so bitter-sweet. Sinnoh will have you thrown in the space-time rift if you continue.” I looked up at the rift in the sky.

“As if Sinnoh would care for you. You’re such a goody-two shoes, I can already tell from how sweetly you talk.” The figure made its way into the light. It suddenly hissed sharply.

“Oh, hello, Akari.”

I growled. “Mai.”

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