ANOTHER new puppet

Posted by Izzy P in Learning | 1 Comment

I am going to recive a new bear puppet tomorrow. I am not sure what I will name him but since I have used all the features (bold, underline etc) I will write in capital letters to represent him. I would like it if I could have (some) name suggestions. I am thinking Charlie but I’m just thinking of the show from CBeebies, Little Charley Bear; and that name just doesn’t seem right for my pupp- I mean bear (the puppets don’t like it when I call them puppets). I will tell you more about my new bear puppet tomorrow.

I would appreciate name suggestions. I am stuck on giving him a name; but he’s not even arrived yet and it’ll probably be easier to give him a name when i can physically see him with my own eyes.

One response to “ANOTHER new puppet”

  1. Mrs Addleton says:

    Tricky to suggest a name because, as you say, names often come when you see them. Maybe you should think of something linked to what’s going on on the world or perhaps linked to those stunning bears in David Attenborough’s programme’Perfect Planet’ that started last night.
    Can’t wait to hear all about him or she!
    Mrs Addleton

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