The gymnast

Posted by GraceA in 100wc | Tagged | 1 Comment

One morning a girl was going to her gymnastics class when she had a phone call and …it was about her gymnastics.  It was the best gymnastics team ever and they were calling me I rushed to my class and told my friends. Then I called my parents and they were very excited, I did my class and then I went home.  I told my sister and then I told them what they told me.  So they told me that I had been chosen for the best gymnastics ‍♂ class ever.  I’m sad as well because I have to go away.  To Southampton and I have to stay in one of there dorms.

One response to “The gymnast”

  1. Mrs Addleton says:

    Hello Grace, an exciting tale for readers that dream of becoming a brilliant gymnast. Next time, try using some direct speech with inverted commas to avoid using the word ‘they’ so much or try an alternative word to told. Also, if you use the 100 word challenge prompt we can publish the blog on the 100wc website that people read all over the world.
    Quite often you have to give something up to pursue your dreams so I wonder if your character thinks living in dorms is going to be worth it?
    2 house points
    Mrs Addleton

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