
Posted by GraceA in 100wc | Tagged | 1 Comment

One day I went to school and today was a school trip but it got cancelled because of the weather I was really looking forwards for the school trip.  I was really annoyed,but in the afternoon we had a nice time.  Then it was home time l went home and had a good time then it was bedtime and I read a good book about some children having an adventure l then went to sleep. I woke up and got ready for school I went to school and at break time I went to blogging and I blogged about this.  

One response to “School”

  1. Mrs Addleton says:

    Hi Grace,
    You were looking forward to the school trip so I can tell that cancellation of the excursion was a huge dissapointment. I wonder if you could give away other clues such as how the children’s faces looked when they found out and what kind of things they said? You used the word ‘then’ three times, perhaps next time you could use some other time connectives such as ‘a while later’.
    I am intrigued about the book you enjoyed – can you remember the title?
    2 house points
    Mrs Addleton

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