Ron Weasley( the character )

Posted by Luke in 100wc | Tagged | 2 Comments

Hi, my name is Ronald Weasley, I’m 11 years old and I have 5 brothers and 1 sister named Ginny. my life is going well but my 2 younger brothers ( there 10) are SO annoying because when I’m asleep, they put firework sparks up my nose and I’m so fed up with it. anyway , right now I’m waiting for my breakfast so I can teach my brothers a lesson. Apart from that, I’ve had a lovely time at  my house and its my older brother Percy’s  birthday and I’m going to go and get my clothes on because were going to go to Weasley’s wizard wheezes and Ginny’s hoping to go to Hogwarts ( she won’t be able to because she is  nine but me, Fred, George, Percy and bill can go ) well I hope you liked my diary

lots of hope  Ron Weasley

2 responses to “Ron Weasley( the character )”

  1. Katelyn says:

    I like what you said

  2. Mrs Addleton says:

    Well done Luke, that’s 2 blogs in one week! I can tell you are a huge Harry Potter fan and it was nice to see a diary entry – the first at blogging I think. The main thing that will improve your next piece is capital letters at the start of sentences. You needed a contraction of ‘they are’ which is ‘they’re’. Try doing a blog with the prompt next time because then we can put it in the 100wc website that people read all around the world! I’ve no doubt you can still get wizardry into your blogs as well as the 100wc prompt.
    3 house points
    Mrs Addleton
    Keep it up

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