
Posted by Alex in 100wc | Tagged | 1 Comment

I saw my fate plummet before me, light turned to dark, vehicles changed to ash. My fury was indescribable as i sprinted down the gloomy hill. I climbed the fence and prayed that god would forgive me. While utterly depressed, I slowly made my way back home. Shattered glass sprayed across the floor as music played in the background, voices screamed as bullets sprayed into the walls. This was the end for me, my lungs felt air for the last time, and I shot to the floor ( wounded ). Bodies fell to the floor around me, as glass shattered from the walls.

One response to “Criminal”

  1. Mrs Addleton says:

    It was wonderful to have you back blogging this week Alex and your blog was worth the wait! I felt like I had been dropped straight into a James Bond movie with so much energy and action which you created with great vocabulary. I think your high octane blog was inspired by the word ‘fury’. The actual prompt was furry but I very much doubt you could have invoked such an intense atmosphere with this word included.
    3 house points
    Mrs Addleton

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