Amys birthday

Posted by Grace in 100wc, Learning | Tagged | 2 Comments

Once upon a time there was a elephant called Amy she was very cute and lovely.She liked purple and she liked violins and was a happy elephant when she grew up she wanted to be an artist who panted all day.One day she said to her mum when is it my birthday her mum said in a couple of weeks .You will be 8 she said I wonder what I will get. It got closer and closer to her birthday and then it was there .She was so  happy she opend her present and her most favourite was her violin it was purple in the end her family all celebrated and lived happily ever after

2 responses to “Amys birthday”

  1. Poppie says:

    Well done Grace for using all of the 5 words. Next time you try to spell painted and plus it was in the title but well done for using the 5 words in your blog.
    1hp just kidding I can’t give away hps.
    This was profound.

  2. Mrs Addleton says:

    Hello Grace,
    Well done for using all 5 words – isn’t this the first time you’ve done a prompt like this? I’m so impressed that you’ve been blogging in your spare time at hone. I think you could have done with a few extra full stops to make it easier to read (for example after the word Amy in line 2 and the word elephant in line 4). I’m sure you’ve got some direct speech in your blog so think what other punctuation you could use! It sounds like Amy is a very cheerful character and I’m glad she enjoyed her musical present.
    3 house points
    Mrs Addleton

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