
Posted by Tulissa in 100wc, Learning | Tagged | 4 Comments

I tried the marmalade but I didn’t like it and I was sick.  I tried marmite and I didn’t like it because it had a disgusting taste.  My brother tried the marmalade and he didn’t like it because it made him sick.  My brother tried the marmite and he didn’t like it.  My brother said ” Dad don’t try the marmite because no one likes it.”  “No” he said, “I like marmite.” and he ate the whole jar!


“No” he said, “I like marmite.

4 responses to “Marmite”

  1. Terry Team 100WC England says:

    Hi Tulissa, I think I might be sick as well after eating a whole jar of Marmite! I really like the plain and simple story you have written here. No frills and not too fancy. I think you have done a really good job with it, well done!

  2. Cath (Team100, Melbourne, Australia) says:

    Hello Tulissa, I don’t like marmalade or marmite either but I’m sure there are people who do. I like how you have used repetition to show how bad the marmite tasted. I think Dad might have felt sick afterwards too, seeing as he ate the whole jar. Well done.

  3. Mrs Addleton says:

    I have entered your blog on to this weeks 100 word challenge web site so that people all over the world can read it and perhaps send you a comment! Here are the instructions if you or or family and friends want to see it.

    1) Visit

    2) Next, scroll down to this weeks prompt and click on the blue writing that says ‘click here to continue reading.’ This will bring up a huge list of everyone who has entered across the world this week. They have all written about the same prompt as you!

    3) Find the column that says school. There will be two little grey arrows next to the word school. Click on the little arrows so that there is only one arrow pointing down. This will put all the schools who have entered into alphabetical order. Because Wildground starts with a ‘w’, your blog will be near the bottom of the list. Scroll all the way down until you find your blog.

    Now why don’t you read a blog written by another child somewhere in the world and leave them a surprise comment? Here are the instructions:

    1). Follow steps 1 and 2 above.
    2) Choose a child from the list and click on the their link to open their blog.
    3) Enjoy reading their blog.
    4) Leave a comment for them. Make sure you put 2 or 3 things you like about it and 1 thing that might help them improve it.

    Have fun and I hope you get lots of comments!
    Mrs Addleton

  4. Mrs Addleton says:

    Congratulations on publishing your first blog Tulissa!
    Although you had a bit of help with this, you did well to remember how to use inverted commas like we have been doing in class. It was a funny story which made me smile. I am looking forward to reading more blogs from you.
    2 House Points
    Mrs Addleton

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