The lost library!!!

Posted by Amelia in 100wc | 1 Comment

One day, a girl called Hazel was walking through the forest when she suddenly noticed a rather large building. So she walked towards the building with curiosity buzzing in her heart. The door was unlocked!!! The door opened with a loud creak. Inside was a dusty unused library with spiral staircases. At the front of it was a … Candy bar!!! It looked a bit like Hogwarts to her. She walked up the stairs . Upstairs was … Book shelfs full of dusty books rom the 1900. She couldn’t believe her eyes. She had loved reading books but no one had found it cool at her secondary school . She ran around her heart full of joy and happiness. She would dream about a place like this were she could read books after books. It was as if her dream had come true.

One response to “The lost library!!!”

  1. Mrs Addleton says:

    Hello Amelia,
    I really enjoyed your blog, especially the part about her heart ‘buzzing’ with cutiosity. Don’t forget that the plural of shelf is shelves and try to avoid starting sentences with ‘so’. An old, forgotten magical library would make the basis of a very exciting series of adventure stories!
    3 HP
    Mrs Addleton

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