what do these words mean?(shouted ,crimson ,misty ,frantically and grave

Posted by Poppie in 100wc | 1 Comment

Yesterday I shouted really loud because of Callum. He annoys me really bad.  My blood is a very rich crimson colour, so I get scared if I go down that hole. A misty ghost and they are dirty  so they have dust and dirt on them they have been alive for 7 centuries . I frantically ran in school because I was to hyper so I took my friend Eva down to the ground . the graveyard is as creepy as a ghost so you never want to be in there , but this is scary as a skeleton.


One response to “what do these words mean?(shouted ,crimson ,misty ,frantically and grave”

  1. Mr. M. says:

    You used some good vocabulary. When you finish writing, re-read before publishing – can you see missing capitals or too many spaces around punctuation?
    Mr. M. (Team 100WC)
    Bedfordshire, UK

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