Posted by Fin E in 100wc | 2 Comments

There was once a small, grey gibbon. One day someone took the gibbon home and a catastrophe happened. When the gibbon got home he found a office and he found a £250 computer, he found a image of a deadly predator, the tiger and threw the computer off of the desk and he got told off. When the monkey got told off he got abandoned in the forest, the monkey was found the day and he became FAMOUS!!!!. The man then tried to get the monkey back but someone had already found him and he had to go find another one.

2 responses to “THE IDIOTIC MONKEY”

  1. Mrs Dibben says:

    Good Morning Fin,

    I am curious to know why the monkey became famous. I love that he wasn’t just a monkey but a gibbon.
    I hope he is happy with his fame and new owner.

  2. Mrs Addleton says:

    Hello Fin,
    Oh dear, perhaps the monkeys first owner should have been a bit more understanding towards the poor gibbon. I enjoyed reading your blog and I was left wondering why the gibbon became famous?
    2 house points
    Mrs Addleton

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