the people in the computer

Posted by Lewis B in 100wc | 6 Comments

There was a small, grey gibbon called John Milky. John lived in a big, brown factory called Funny Money, milk. He was the boss of the factory, one day a pugnacious man called Luke got him a small silver laptop. When John opened the laptop a group of people appeared on the laptop, out of fear John pushed the evil laptop of the table. Luke was fired and John got out a gun and lets just say blood was on the floor. So John sat on his chair were his computer was and a man in the computer said it was me who told Luke to get the laptop.

6 responses to “the people in the computer”

  1. Kate Wilson says:

    Wow Lewis. So much descriptive language in your blog. I’ve always suspected there were people living in my computer…

  2. William says:

    My name is William. I think I read your blog last week but I like this one much more. I hope you are going to do ore blogs in 2018.
    From William

  3. Mrs Dibben says:

    Good morning Lewis,

    An intriguing tale, I love the way you drop hints, such as, , ‘let’s just say’.
    Your much improved vocabulary and punctuation makes this blog a much more enjoyable read.

  4. fin says:

    well done Lewis I love your story its so good!!!!!!!!!

  5. Andrew Paterson says:

    Hello Lewis,
    Another fascinating piece by you. I enjoy your powers of description and thought your use of pugnacious was remarkable! A few homophone errors but otherwise an enjoyable read, well done.

  6. Mrs Addleton says:

    Hello Lewis,
    You have produced an interesting blog; whereas most people have assumed the monkey behaved out of anger, you interpreted the cause to be from fear! I’m glad you saved us the gory details of Luke’s messy demise! Your use of the word ‘pugnacious’ is really impressive and it was the perfect way to introduce Luke as an unlikeable character. I know how much you like a homophone so watch out for ‘of/off’ and ‘where/were’ – did you use the right ones?
    1 raffle ticket and a house point.
    Mrs Addleton

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