Planet Batteries

Posted by Joseph A in 100wc | 5 Comments

Batteries Planet is so cool! Sunny everyday, Honestly its paradise! Its very energetic there because they are batteries and batteries charge up quickly.  The planet is kind of a white planet but is a shape of a sandwich. In every Olympics the last place competitor hurried so fast they nearly got on to the podium.  Last year Ussain Sandwich came first and his reward was a white cup which was massive.  One day they promised to name the planet after him.  He felt a bit happy and a bit shocked.

5 responses to “Planet Batteries”

  1. Kate Wilson says:

    Well done Joseph. I love the way you’ve used the given words so seamlessly. Since everyone there is so energetic I bet everyone deserves a space on that podium. I hope they rename the planet Usain rather than sandwich though, as visitors might think it’s named after its shape rather than its hero.

  2. Mrs Dibben says:

    Hello Joseph,
    I love the way you use a series of short sharp sentences to quickly get the reader involved with your blog. Good to make reference to a hero we can all identify with to further engage your audience.
    Clever story craft

  3. Mrs Skinner says:

    Great effort to get all the prompt words into this piece Joseph.
    This planet does sound cool. Would you like to visit?

  4. William says:

    I like your blog. Especially how you used all of the words in this weeks prompt like ” battery planet.

    Instead of using the word “bit” twice you could use the word “slightly shocked”

    I think yours is my favourite idea so far.


  5. Mrs Addleton says:

    Joseph, what a jaunty tale that cleverly used all the words in this weeks prompt. I would love to hear more about Ussain Sandwich – what an interesting character he sounds. Describing the planet as being shaped like a sandwich was a unique idea. I can’t wait to see more blogs from you Joe.
    Mrs Addleton
    2 house points.

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