Author Archives: Olivia

I did”t realise they could fly

Posted by Olivia in 100wc, Learning | Tagged | 1 Comment

I have a pet dog and cat  I did”t realise they could fly oh no. I said Olivia and my mum  and dad and chairly  will we do I dot no said mum to Olivia.We took the cat and dog to the vets oh no said the vets wot will we do I do”t no said the vets but he mad a respy and it fixt it.


Posted by Olivia in Learning | 1 Comment

I was happy as you and I went to the park and enjoyed ourselves so much. It was as fun as playing with my dolls.Oh and my fourth favourite animal is an elephant but my favourite animal in the world is a panda bear.My second favourite instrument  is a violin. I’ve also painted a panda that I done at home with my brother Charlie. The colour font I’m using is purple .

… “No,” he said, “I like marmite.”…

Posted by Olivia in 100wc, Learning | Tagged | 3 Comments

One day, I asked Mum for toast.  She answered “OK Charlie, what would you like on it?”

I replied, “Please may I have chocolate spread?” 

Mum laughed “OK.”  Mum went into the kitchen but got distracted.  She served up the toast.  Charlie took a bite and spat it out  “Yuck there is marmite on this toast.” 

Charlie sneakily gave the toast to his sister, Olivia.  Olivia took a bite and then gobbled up the rest!  Charlie exclaimed “How can you eat that?  It’s horrid?” 

Olivia replied “no,” she said I like marmite.” 



Posted by Olivia in 100wc, Learning | Tagged | 3 Comments

I have a red coat it is so fluffy and it is my favourite coat.   I went to the park with my red coat and I live in a red city.  My bedroom has rosey red walls and a  light red ceiling.  The carpet is soft and a bright red colour.