Author Archives: Libby

Rhana Wormy

Posted by Libby in 100wc, Learning | Tagged | 1 Comment

I love you Rhana Wormy, I don’t know what I would do without you. Remember when we first met? You were playing in the park, weren’t you. You nearly got stepped on by a bully. That bully always squashed me into a pool of tears. Like how you nearly got squashed. In a different way. But I saved you, didn’t I? The bully nearly ended your life. And deliberately! I hate him. Especially when he said ” But it is so slow, i had to!” You are the BEST thing that happened to me!!! What would I be without you Rhana! 

A Bike With Personality

Posted by Libby in 100wc, Learning | Tagged | 2 Comments

I was having a great time, i was doing wheelies with my friend, when… i know, its hard times, but i have to mention it. I crashed. Battered and bruised, my friend, Maxie had a head injury. He couldn’t remember anything. Including me. It was sad. I was tied up on a lampost. Maxie didn’t care. In 5 seconds everybody forgot about me. It was like everybody had a head injury. I was near nobody. Nobody played with me. Nobody talked to me. I remember a scooter passing by who gave me a sympathetic look. I wish bikes were like that. Most bikes are selfish and ‘cool’. At least they think they are cool. I am a bike and i am a selfless nobody, as everybody calls me. But the years i was with Maxie I was strong. It feels like i have shrivelled up into a pile of sadness. Oh Maxie, MAXIE!! Where are you?