Author Archives: HarveyT

The doggy Park

Posted by HarveyT in Learning | Leave a comment
  1. The little boy is feeding the ducks bread.

The little boy, who is wearing jeans and a t-shirt, is feeding the ducks white bread.

  1. The ducks are white and are going into the river.

The ducks are bright white with orange feet and beaks and are waddling into the river.

  1. The van is shiny.

The engine of the blue shiny van is running and a clank clunk noise comes from the glass milk bottles in the back.

  1. There is a house.

Beautiful flowers are growing on the brick wall of the old shop where people live on top.

  1. There is a white fence and a bridge.

There is a white fence and a bridge made of wood that the lady and her dog are going to cross to get to the doggy park.

Murder Just in Case

Posted by HarveyT in 100wc | 1 Comment

Polo pocketed his AK47, just for security and took a double check in the hallway mirror before heading to the bar. He took off his hat to check his hair, the usual glow that was around the top his head was now missing but his short dreadlocks still looked cool.  The bar was busy, vibrating with the bass of rap music.  Polo felt alive and pumped surrounded by people he didn’t understand.  For confidence, he slid a cigarette out of the packet and fumbled in his pocket for a light.  Suddenly, a man ran towards him, screaming, something metal flashing in his hand.  Polo panicked, pulled out his own weapon and fired.  Two shots.  The man fell and dropped his silver cigarette lighter to the floor.  Polo cried, ‘you caught me by surprise’ as the man grabbed Polo by the hands, tears in his eyes and whispered that he was afraid to die.  Yellow taped and traumatised the victims family hoped it would be a life for a life.  Polo’s mother got the call on the phone on the table in the hall.  How could her angel take anothers life? Why was that hat on the table?  For 25 years Polo wakes with murder on his mind.


by Harvey and Mrs A