Author Archives: Poppie

Red, ladder, sinking, coins, pavement.

Posted by Poppie in 100wc | 1 Comment

One day there was a lady loved the colour of red, why she was so obsessed with red because it is the colour of  LOVE. and she has a load of collector coins and the specific number is 10,000 collector coins. So she was made of money and all of those coins just cost her £100,000 just on them. When her son had a bath he was sinking into the drain because her son is only 3 inches which is the size of 7.62 centimetres which is very very very very small. The pavement at her entrance bit was also red. And when her son tries to get her son in the bath he has to use a ladder.

Hope you enjoyed story time with …………………………………………………………Poppie

Bye. seee you next time

It was completely out of tune.

Posted by Poppie in 100wc | 1 Comment

There was a 3 year-old boy named Timmy and he owned a blue ukulele and it was completely out of tune he tried to do it by himself and he couldn’t do it. He asked his dad if he could do it but his dad couldn’t be bothered to tune it. Then he asked his mum and  she couldn’t do. So Timmy asked his parents if they could go to a ukulele shop to tune and they said yes. The next day they went to the nearest ukulele shop to tune the ukulele. Then they got home from the ukulele shop and then all of the family didn’t get harassed by Timmy.

So I hope you enjoyed story time with                             Poppie.

See you next time on story time with Poppie and byeeeeeeee


fringe, eggs, black, washed and flickering

Posted by Poppie in 100wc, Learning | 2 Comments

One day there lived a girl who loved wearing black fringe jumpers and she was kept in a tower because she was naughty girl when she was a toddler. And now she is a good girl trying to behave a lot better when she was a toddler and tries to get out of the horrible tower. Guess who locked her up in this ghastly mess a person who hates her ( Mildred Hufflepuff ) her mother which punished her for eternity. And her mother doesn’t give her any food except bread and water with some butter in. In the bread roll she gets eggs in as well, poor thing. And she gets washed in dirty bath water every day. Don’t you feel sorry for her. And her night light is a candle that flickers all night then she blows it out in the morning.

I hope you enjoyed story time with……………………………………..Poppie. And see you next time on story time with Poppie. see ya later!

Bicycle, empty, bubbles, pink and fired.

Posted by Poppie in 100wc, Learning | 1 Comment

There was a time when a lady was riding her bicycle to work and then her boss showed up to her and said ” Why are you late” ” I was riding my bicycle and not my car😩” ” You are fired ” ”WHAT! ”. So that day she was very depressed that she lost her job. So to calm herself down with all the stress she had a pink bath with bubbles to cheer her up. The next day she decided to move to a different country and a different house. The country that she moved to is L.A. which is Los Angeles. And then she met guava juice which is epic. But her house was pretty empty. So she had to buy a lot furniture.

So see you later on……………………….. Poppie’s story corner and see you later. bye people

There was a sketchy light that blinded him creepily😩😭

Posted by Poppie in 100wc, Learning | 1 Comment

There was a little boy who was wondering around his street and then he saw a a very strange looking house that he said to himself saying ” Is that house abandoned or what ” Then he thought some one was living there because the lights were on. That’s the thing That scared him. He mysteriously said to him self ” should I go in that house. Yeh I should to investigate ”. Then he at the porch, the door opened without him even pushing it. Then he went in…

He went upstairs for the first location in the house. When he went in the first room the light was so bright it nearly made him blind but he didn’t. He got scared so he tried to run out of the door but then the door go t jammed and couldn’t get opened………


My christmas. Ahhh it was amazin’

Posted by Poppie in 100wc, Uncategorized | 2 Comments

So this is my Christmas. My Christmas was the best. Just to tell you guys, I technically  had 3 Christmas’ and if your saying ”How did you have 3 Christmas’ ” well I’ll tell you why. This was My first ”Christmas” and this was at my Mum’s ( if you think my Mum and Dad live together. They don’t.) And this was my second ” Christmas ” and it was with my Dad so I got a morph board and it was epic. Then this was my third ” Christmas ” I went round my nans house and guess what I got a gold hoverboard and that was out of the milky way (the milky way is are galaxy and a galaxy is where all of the planets are in it including us earth) and that is my Christmas(s). So I’ll see you next time on story time with………..Poppie, so byeeeeeeeeee.

Random blog.

Posted by Poppie in 100wc, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

So,this is a very random blog. So if you judge me then its your fault. Why I’m making this blog,is because I’m bored and if I just put some random stuff in then it’s just some information it is because you don’t need to know what I’m writing down. So yesterday my dad picked me up from school and as usual and chatted all the way home and then when I got there I saw  Eric(the elf on the shelf) wrapped the Barbie camper and the mini Christmas tree in my room. But Santa did say he was the best spy elf and sometimes got up to mischief. I wonder what he’s going to do tonight?


Posted by Poppie in 100wc, Learning | 1 Comment

One day,there was a dude called St.Noel but in belief his real name is Santa Claus or his initials are SC or Scott Calvin in the movie called ”The Santa Claus”. When it is Christmas your mum or dad puts presents under the Christmas tree, but if you tell your little sister or anyone else younger than you then your dead. The meaning of dead to parents is you’ll get grounded and you don’t want to get grounded do you sunny boy. But carrying on with the Christmas thing. If you have watched ”The Santa Claus 1,2 and 3” then you know what happens. But if you haven’t watched it then you need to watch it like right now so go watch it on sky overwise I will make a blog that someone has never watched those three movies. So you have got one chance and if you comment it I will still make a blog about it.

They seemed to be exhausted……………………………………….

Posted by Poppie in 100wc | 1 Comment

When people were running for there life they nearly killed their-self for it just for donation. But they were so exhausted from trying to run for donation. But as i was saying they nearly killed their-self by running. But after the race that they passed out and then they had to go to the hospital [poor them]. But then unfortunately the doctors couldn’t get them back to life then they had to go and have a funeral guess what it was both of them.But at least they won the competition and then they had to give to their niece.Then she spent it all on………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… stuffed animals but i don’t blame her she’s only 6 so don’t you judge her. But this is the end of Poppie’s story corner. See you next time.


They seemed to be on TV…..‍

Posted by Poppie in 100wc | 2 Comments

So there was a group of children practising for a talent show[ a TV show on the television]. And the show was called ‘Try and get your own TV programme’ and do you think they won it…………………………………………………well drum-roll please and here are the results…. and they did win it did you think they won. Give your thought in the comments when this is done. Carrying on with the blog and then they actually got a big ol’ trophy it was gold on the outside and the silver was on the inside,it was beautiful. So that is the end of this story see you next time on telling stories with pops.