Author Archives: Charlotte G

Jan Bednarek

Posted by Charlotte G in 100wc, Learning | Tagged | 1 Comment

Image result for Jan BednarekThis is Jan Bednarek he is a football player, thats it for today see you next time for Harry Kane.

The Weekend

Posted by Charlotte G in 100wc, Learning | Tagged | 3 Comments

Today is Saturday, and it’s my favourite day because you don’t go to school and the next day you don’t go to school either!!

On Saturday, I go swimming and i like it a lot because I feel free and i enjoy myself a lot. Saturdays are really fun for me because i love to be able to relax because Mondays are boring boring boring!!

My favourite thing to do on Saturday and Sunday is go on a bike ride and in the forest on a walk it’s really fun and enjoyable. When i go to the forest i see horses, ponies and cows. IT’S REALLY FUN!!

I go to Tesco’s afterwards but although it was Saturday nothing was open.

The Yellow Bike….

Posted by Charlotte G in 100wc | Tagged | 1 Comment

One sunny day, a little girl named Tilly was at the park with her friend Matilda.They played on the swings and on the slide.They both live near to each other so they go to the park together after school every day.Matilda has brown hair a beautiful sense of humour and she is a wonderful friend.Matilda rode her bike to the park and she lost it on the way there. Tilly said wheres your bike but Matilda didn’t answer because Tilly gave that bike to her on her 6th birthday, and Matilda had crashed it and she was covered in mud. The bike meant everything to Matilda. Tilly asked her again, wheres your bike that i gave you?

Matilda was worried that Tilly would be mad at her but she had to tell her. When she did Tilly was mad at her so Matilda ran and ran until she got to the forest and looked for the bike so Tilly wouldn’t be mad anymore. She looked and looked and looked but she couldn’t find it. Matilda started to cry she fell to the muddy ground on her knees crying.”What do i do,I’ve lost my bike” said Matilda crying dreadfully. “what do i do?” Just at that moment Matilda saw a flash or a sparkle of bright yellow light, it could have been the sunlight or it could be……


……HER YELLOW BIKE!!!! Matilda rushed over to see what it was. Tilly however, was standing next to it Matilda didn’t know how but she was standing right there and Matilda thought she was still at the park. Tilly had got there when Matilda was crying she ran over and Tilly had found it and she had fixed it. Matilda was so so very very happy and so was Tilly, they both went back home had a play on the swings then ran straight to their houses and had their dinner ran back out and they both rode their bikes up and down the street and were happy friends again. [ YAY WOO! ]


The End.




Eggbert available at Tesco

Posted by Charlotte G in 100wc | 4 Comments

It was time for Assembly and every class in the Junior school sat down and then Mrs Taylor introduced EGGBERT!! Eggbert is a clumsy but washable egg.But guess what Mrs Taylor dropped Eggbert and he smashed to pieces!

The End