Author Archives: Atlanta S

Mr Mack’s library (part 3)

Posted by Atlanta S in 100wc | 3 Comments

“That key doesn’t work … or that one, or that one , or that one ,or that one … UGH THEY DON’T WORK!!!!!!!!!!” Atlanta stressed out.” What do these giant books do?” Abby questioned . Abby wondered off in fascination while Atlanta tried and tried to find the right key, but the thing that she didn’t know that the silver key she kept ,was the right key . Every  key she tried was gold but the key she had left was silver. Atlanta was so busy finding the keys she didn’t notice that Abby wondered off … Abby was dangerous . Abby had wondered off . She was so close that she nearly lost the chance of meeting Mr Mack …

Mr Mack’s library (part 2)

Posted by Atlanta S in 100wc | 4 Comments

“Sooo…… what do we have to do,????”said Abby. “UGH….what we have to do is find a key to that smash/ bullet proof glass box that will give us a ticket have a meeting with Mr Mack and we might just might get the job application !”Atlanta  quickly explained .” WAIT… who are they !”Abby shouted nervously .

“Hello again children . One thing. You have other people competing with you.” said a hologram of Mr Mack.

So they began ,excited  to find the key. suddenly they found a mysterious looking shape that looked liked it would fit in the padlock that was on the bullet proof glass box . But what they didn’t know was there was fake keys around the room…….

Monkey rage

Posted by Atlanta S in 100wc | 5 Comments

Dear diary,

Today my stupid computer stopped working . I hate my work , and the bad thing is that I started today . Tomorrow I have to go to go the apple store to get a new Mack book because I shoved mine off the table . To befare it stopped working so its ok it didn’t  break it technically . I have monkey rage that I hate , I’m a angry monkey don’t forget I was trying to fix it before then it stopped working ( I was trying to get music on it ) and I was starving all I  could think about was food.

Mr Mack’s library

Posted by Atlanta S in 100wc | 7 Comments

“AHHHHHH THERES A SPIKEY THING!!!!!!”screamed Abby. “its a hedgehog Abby JEEZ “Atlanta rolled her eyes. ” I’m getting out of here”.so off Atlanta went to the fire exit . But no one could escape Mr Mack’s library once the started playing. They were the chosen ones. “THE TIGER WAS BLOCKING OUR ESCAPE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”Atlanta shouted. “first of all it’s the tiger is blocking our escape and its a HEDGEHOG . who’s the stupid one now!” Abby sighed .

“hello children welcome to my library, where you are in a competition to win a job here in this library” said a hologram of Mr Mack…..”BEGIN”