Author Archives: Joseph A

Planet Batteries

Posted by Joseph A in 100wc | 5 Comments

Batteries Planet is so cool! Sunny everyday, Honestly its paradise! Its very energetic there because they are batteries and batteries charge up quickly.  The planet is kind of a white planet but is a shape of a sandwich. In every Olympics the last place competitor hurried so fast they nearly got on to the podium.  Last year Ussain Sandwich came first and his reward was a white cup which was massive.  One day they promised to name the planet after him.  He felt a bit happy and a bit shocked.

My Journey to the Beach

Posted by Joseph A in 100wc | 7 Comments

My Journey to the Beach, was it good? No! I’m sure. Although it was a nice sunny day, at 03.18 pm I had a confession to make, a big confession! I didn’t like huge deadly Monsters but… at that time I saw one “Leave me alone, I’m only a 8 year old!” I shouted but he was a type of a ghost called Bam – Bam,he was a black old beast who loved eating people like YOU! I luckily had my knife a SHARP one because I needed to cut my samwiges and guess what, I did it! BUT I didn’t like it…