Author Archives: Amber


Posted by Amber in Uncategorized | 5 Comments

all of us have or want a pet or annimal of some form. you love them and cherish them, I mean, who wouldnt love them more than anything ever??  you play and run around and just get that best feeling. you spend every day and night thinking of them and just what your going to do next. but when the time is right you might be sad, but remember, your ending there pain, suffering and misery. your sad to part but you may see each other again in heaven or wearever you beleve you go were you die.




life and loss by amber.



Posted by Amber in Learning | 2 Comments

sometimes school can be hard but it can be the best way to get a good job. study hard and just keep trying, in the long run it will help. I sometimes find it hard to balance studying and home life. the best thing for it is to just focus on one thing at a time. cant find time for homework than do it at break or lunch and dont put it off till the last minuite .




study hard and stay in school if you want a good job!!

my clumbsy day

Posted by Amber in 100wc, Learning | 4 Comments

so im new to this and i kind of need some help. i thought i might join this club yesterday after i was playing a game and i had a pretty good fighter after a bath with orange soap. my little brother clumbsily fell over me. after i won the game i did a victory dance wich had a back included a backflip.everything that day was SO fun and yet odd. This is the first time I’ve done a vlog and I’m not sure what I’m doing so if anyone has anything that could be of any help or know anybody than let me know.